Thank you for deciding to make a referral to the New York Sleep Disorder Center.


Not sure if you need to refer a patient?

Fill out an Epworth Sleepiness Scale, or ESS, has proven as a screen to determine whether a patient should visit a sleep specialist. Please click here to fill out a ESS scale online.


You have a few options to submit your referral:

Submit it online via this form:

Please click here to submit your referral online!

Please note these forms are secure and HIPPA compliant. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Fax it!

You may also contact us @ 1 (718) 220-4210 to request our “Physician Referral Kit” or fax us a referral from the printable form area to 1 (718) 220-4235.


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Contact Us Today!

Call us: 718-220-4210

Fax: 718-220-4235
